Pro Audio Show 2024

We attended the Pro Audio Show 2024 at London South Bank University on the 19th October 2024. This was a new location compared to last year, which is normally held at Greenford Hall. The South Bank University helped the show feel modern and new, there was amble lighting and enough space for lots of discussions and talks, which we enjoyed and look forward to next year.
As this years event was held at a University we were glad to see and talk to more students. We have a strong believe that good quality products that use professional standards should be available to everyone. From entry level to seasoned professionals but also to student who are still learning or just graduated.
Last year we attended under the company Mack Sound representing Boom-Buddy and Relacart. Since then DMA has brought Boom-Buddy from Mack Sound and has been focusing on expanding the brand. We think the Pro-Audio show has really help achieve this goal as we got to see many faces some who know Boom-Buddy through our flagship product the Boom Holder and others who have never heard of the us before but everyone really excited by our products.
One of the great joys of this show is seeing everyone's reactions when picking up our Boom Pole range. Everyone is always surprised by how light weight and sturdy they feel. Of course everyone asks about price and is always shocked by how affordable they are. One of the strengths of these shows for us is letting people feel and handle our products as with a boom pole you can only judge it's quality when you have it in your hands. As much as we can show through video and photos nothing persuades someone greater than being able to pick up one of our boom poles and judge it for themselves. We're so glad this show allows us to do this and love seeing everyone's reactions.
We also had lot of ideas for how to advance our product range especially for how certain products could evolve like our Boom Swinger, which lots of people were excited to see in action.
We're hoping to continuing these shows and attending them with our expanding product range.